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Mark Hamilton's writings are translated into several languages and distributed throughout over 200 countries. His writings reveal the secrets of life. Recent Mark Hamilton releases include two classic trilogies;

1. Secrets, Visions, Powers (non-fiction), and

2. Superpuzzle (fact-based fiction). 

Both trilogies are illustrated above. Highly-Guarded Hamilton writings not shown here Neothink®: From Ordinary to Extraordinary  and  Neothink®: Universal Secrets.

See the emotional reactions to Superpuzzle.
I love the Superpuzzle. I could not put the book down.

— Tonia W.

Wow! It sends chills up the spine. Once you get into it, and get to know the characters, the message is very powerful on an emotional level.

— Jeremiah G.

Mr. Hamilton: Superpuzzle is fantastic!!! I haven’t finished all of it yet. So far it has taken me on an incredible emotional roller-coaster ride. I have never had this kind of reaction to a story, not even Braveheart, which is my all time favorite movie, the only movie that I ever shed tears to.

— Richard S.


I’m sitting here with tears on my face trying to type.  I have just finished reading Chapter 36. It only took me 8 hours, I could not stop reading...I ignored my housework and most everything around me except my child.

I believe that Chapter 36 pulled it together.  I was pulled emotionally so many times by Superpuzzle.  The cheaters, the liars, the manipulators...scary stuff...reminds me of today’s world.  Slowly it is changing.  How wonderful it would be to live in a world where the values created are not torn down or ridiculed.

Every chapter I read had something else of value to add to my life.  It was like turning on the light switches.  AMAZING!!!

Thank you for your story...but one it a story or perhaps a vision of what will be??  I sense some characters are stronger than others. I feel that they are actual persons today or have been influences in your life. 

— Barbara S.

Superpuzzle is the most stunning novel I have ever read.  Mark Hamilton deserves the “Booker Prize” for creating a modern masterpiece. Literature has the power to change society for good or bad. Superpuzzle has the power to dig deep into individuals’ psyches and help us progress upward into a better and happier world. The one emotion that I think I took away from Superpuzzle above all others is love...a love for man’s mind and what it can rise to, when freed from the constraints.

— J. Hawk

Just like to say that Mark Hamilton is a genius. I’m reading Superpuzzle, which I’m loving. I never want to finish reading this book although eventually I will. This book is the key to becoming not only your potential but is also the key to all knowledge. This book continues to amaze me and the pieces of the puzzle are snapping together like clock work. Mark is one of the best authors I have ever read and knows how to make his points clear.  Thanks again Mark for showing me the way.

— Jason

Riveting.  I haven’t enjoyed reading something so much as Superpuzzle. It is now 3:20 a.m. and it is only out of sheer exhaustion that I stop. I would like to personally thank you for this story. My only wish is that everyone could get their hands on this information. Please continue spreading the truth (honesty)!

— David K.

I am in awe over Superpuzzle. I had constant tears of joy, frustration and empathy throughout this eloquent account of the anticivilization and the Civilization of the Universe. Thank you, Mark Hamilton. You have written the ultimate epiphany. I hope this is what will transpire.

— Killairne J.

Superpuzzle is one of the most powerful creations yet. I’ve NEVER read anything like it. I couldn’t stop reading it. I was moved by the characters and their thoughts. This story made me think about so many things, my childhood, my family, my future. I would give almost anything to have had a teacher like Miss Annabelle.  I could have avoided so much pain if I had known then what I know now. It’s like learning to speak a new language, it’s so much easier to pick up as a child than it is as an adult. But it can be done. The same holds true for neothink. I want to thank you for sharing this great value.

— Jason D.

Has anyone out there read Mark Hamilton’s incredible new work, the work that eclipses all previous works....Superpuzzle?

Now I liked Atlas Shrugged, but this thing just blows it away from an excitement and emotional perspective, as well as the broad scope of it. It is not only one of the most highly integrated works ever, but in my opinion, the most emotionally profound. It is also the most easily accessible product for the hard-working man in the street. It’s something that down-to-earth people can really relate to. I predict that this publication will not only be the big crossover product that captures the general public, but I also predict it could be the most financially profitable from the standpoint of people voluntarily GIVING whatever they can afford to pay for the product. I know that I feel compelled to give the author something, if for no other reason than he brought out special feelings I hadn’t felt in years.

I suspect that others may feel the same.

— Mike

Mark Hamilton’s Superpuzzle is phenomenal. It is the best work of art I have ever come across.  I was excited and emotional throughout my reading, and my mind couldn’t stop wandering off with ideas and integrating new concepts.

Superpuzzle has got me excited all over again.  Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for the renewed motivation and confidence injected into my being.

— Chris M.

I’ve already submitted my comments on Superpuzzle a few days ago. I was on chapter 6 then, and now I’m on chapter 30. At this point I feel compelled to say that I think that it is the most brilliant thing I have ever read. As a long time reader, I didn’t think there was anything one could write that would shock me, but I was wrong. This thing will shake the guts out of anyone who thought of themselves as good hardworking people. It was incredible how Mark Hamilton has seamlessly integrated every important concept and advantage into a highly enjoyable and readable narrative. Don’t expect this to be the last you hear of me about this incredible work, for the more I read the more I feel like shouting out how great it is! Thanks again, Mike “the Rev” C.

— Mike C.

I am reading, perhaps, the best book that I have ever read.  It’s in the same category of Gone With The Wind, Sea Wolf, and another 101 of the World’s Best Books.  I am surely enjoying Superpuzzle.

— Peter A.

Dear Mark, to give you insight on the supremacy of Superpuzzle, allow me to tell you that in my four years in Saudi Arabia, more than two decades ago, I read all the English books in Abqaiq, Radhwa, Juaimah, three libraries! Not one of the best sellers can come close to the intimacy I had with the characters in Superpuzzle. Superpuzzle burns my heart, even now; it’s been two weeks since I finished reading Superpuzzle. The eloquence of Superpuzzle was its simplicity, honesty, and its mirror of real life today. I would be surprised if it is not a real story! Fiction cannot even approximate the reality from beginning to end. This is the story that is meant for a movie.

— Paul D.

This is so amazing!  Superpuzzle is changing my life as I read it. I can now feel positive about my life and my children’s lives.  Superpuzzle is so powerful and so true I have seen it happen in my life and others around me, it is so exciting and invigorating to see.

I feel so lucky, because I am a 21-year-old mom and my oldest is 6 and my youngest is 4.  I made my way through high school and I started college this year. What a gift you have given, and will continue to give! I am behind you 100%!

If you make a movie, I would love to play Miss Annabelle, I think her character is so great, and I would love to be a Miss Annabelle for my children and many other children because to spread the truth like she did is what I have been doing, only on a much smaller scale with my daughter and her friends!

The truth has finally been set free, and it makes me so happy! I no longer have to live the anticivilization lie! I love You!

— Raquel F.

This is the best story I have ever read. Thank You; Rufus, age 73.

— Rufus John W.

I’m done reading Superpuzzle.  What a wonderful book.  I must admit it’s better than The Matrix. Reading Superpuzzle allowed me to see the big picture of the New World.

This book is made for the movies. My conclusion: this is the most positive prediction of the future I’ve ever read.

— BJ

What can I say? Mark Hamilton’s Superpuzzle is spot on.

I like the analogy of equaling the roller coaster emotional tide felt in Braveheart with that battle cry of FREEEEEEEEEEDOM.

Superpuzzle gave me more satisfaction than Ayn Rand’s Fountainhead. And that’s saying something. Rand’s works were very powerful, riveting messages and Mark Hamilton went beyond that.

Mind blowing stuff.

All I can say is, when is the movie coming out? It will surpass Titanic, Ben Hur, and The Matrix by far.

— Howie H.

Mark, I have read most of everything you have written in the last ten years, and have always been supremely happy with the values delivered, but you have struck “pure gold” with this book, and have made it not only easy but enjoyable to warm one’s attention of involvement with Neothink.

Well done, kudos, kudos, KUDOS.

— Garwin E. R.

Mark, this is a very powerful story. It reached me emotionally in a way that no other literature has done. I found myself in tears at points in Superpuzzle. It seemed that certain emotional blocks in my life were being broken through. I find myself valuing life and hating death at more of an emotional level as a result of your story. Thanks, Rob.

— Robert K.

This is my second time reading Superpuzzle and it has renewed a passion within me that I had thought was lost.  Since the events of September 11th, I have felt a void in my life.   Happiness seemed unattainable anymore due to the chaotic reality of life.  It was not until I reread Ms. Annabelle’s encounter with the school board that I realized that life can only cause you pain as long as you inflict it upon yourself.  Sure, there are maniacal people with hate in their hearts in the world, but there are also beautiful souls who love and continue to produce and create values even when the world looks bleak. 

I long to live purposefully by adding and creating values for others.  I would love to become a teacher; to be able to enrich young lives and minds with logic and fully-integrated honesty. 

— Elizabeth R.

Mr. Hamilton,

First, let me say that everything I’ve read from you is nothing but great.

Due to my busy schedule, I have never taken the time to write to you about the value of your books until now. I was refraining from writing a positive testimonial because the testimonial isn’t even close to being finished. But, your latest creation Superpuzzle has really changed me in many ways.  Superpuzzle has given me what I believe is the needed boost that will catapult me into the highest level.

I never had the mentor I needed. I always sought those who were above me, who knew more since they were the fastest way to the highest level. Now, I feel the characters in Superpuzzle are my mentors.

I want to thank you tremendously for that valuable book. I definitely look forward to reading many more of your books.  Thank you is not enough.

— Mathieu G.

In my 54 plus years of reading, this has been the most profound, eye-opening literature I’ve ever read. A positive step for humankind.  I wish I had had a teacher like Miss Annabelle instead of one like Ms. Minner!!

— Alan L.

Superpuzzle is the most powerful thing I’ve read on the Web — a big “Hell Yeah!!”

— J.P.

Thank you Mr. Hamilton for the life rendering artwork called Superpuzzle. It has moved and touched my heartstrings of life.

— Willie S.

This story gave me tingling sensations throughout my nervous system. It taught me the fundamentals of common denominators and how they get to the essence of happiness.

— Ladar

Mark, Superpuzzle is majestic.  All the while my mind was elevated.  I kept seeing a reflection of myself just as I was 25 years ago.  I felt as though that child in me was being resurrected!  Superpuzzle is sincerely a masterpiece contribution to the world.

— Jacqueline S.

Your novel Superpuzzle was the most incredible book I have ever read.  I am a 23-year-old male, and I have to admit that there were several parts in the book that brought tears to my eyes — tears of joy!!!  This novel helped me to realize that so many incredible things are possible.

Thanks again for writing this unbelievable novel.

— Chris W.

Right now I am in Chapter 25 of Superpuzzle, still being amazed by the story.  So far this book is simply amazing how it is written and how it makes one think.  It makes you believe more in the way philosophers think versus the way life is.  Thank you so much for writing this book.

— Fred L.

After reading Superpuzzle...all I could do for the next few minutes was...sit in front of this computer screen and quietly & happily…clap...clap...clap...clap...clap...clap...clap...clap...clap... clap...clap...clap...honestly...I couldn’t stop as I reflected on the last thoughts & words of Miss Annabelle.

— Mark S.

I feel burdens falling away.  I’ve just read Superpuzzle, this comes after starting to pursue my real essence years ago and then losing hope and enthusiasm. I feel the false burdens falling away and my motivation burning once again.

— C.N.

An excellent moving, heart warming and emotional format to convey to the world populace honesty and advantages.

— Gordon B.


This is so good. How do I get a hold of Superpuzzle autographed!

— R.D. Skinner

Mr. Hamilton,

I’ve only completed two chapters of your story so far, but it’s already touched something deep inside me. I know this because a swell of emotions come up and makes me cry. I remember reading somewhere that crying because of happiness comes from years of repressed emotions...well, I’m not sure if that’s true or not, but it has touched me so far.  You’re awesome.

— David C.

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

Your Superpuzzle is the most incredible, powerful thing I’ve ever read.  I’m sharing it with my 12-year old and am seeing with a visual and mental clarity how I need to be HIS Miss Annabelle...and to my other two children as they begin their education beyond infancy.

Words of thanks are hardly enough for what you have brought out for mankind. I simply cannot articulate the explosion of hope in so many areas of my life going on inside of me now. I have a whole new outlook on life, and I know where I belong.

Heartfelt thanks and gratitude.

— Carey Y.

Mr. Mark Hamilton,

I have only read through the second chapter of your story, but I had to write you now! The feelings Superpuzzle gives me... are... just for the lack of a better word WONDERFUL!! I can’t wait to continue to read the rest of Superpuzzle, and I thank you for such a wonderful piece of literature.

Thank You.

— Terry

I can’t wait to come home from work ever since I started reading Superpuzzle from your website, until I am done.

I can see through my mind’s eye the events unfolding before me, as if I am there present and observing what is happening, which touched me emotionally and moved me to tears as I read every chapter!

It’s great, unique, prophetic, and enlightening! Well done!

— Pedro M.

Dear Mark,

Many sincere wonderful words have been told about Superpuzzle by others. I am not going to repeat them. Instead of words, you have my standing ovation.

— Marek J., Australia

Hello Mark,

Thank you for the story that I have just read.  The ideas have given me results in all areas of my life.  Superpuzzle has helped me.  It touched me deeply & I cried many times as I read it (both tears of joy & sorrow).

— Spencer H.


I am so excited!  I’m on Chapter 13 and I fear I may be shrugging off my regular duties in light of Superpuzzle.

To the future!

— Lynn H.

Superpuzzle is filling me with enormous emotions that are the kind I feel happy about — I feel I’m not alone any more. Superpuzzle fills my being with happiness so great tears fill my eyes and make it difficult to read further. I don’t know what else to say. I’m wrung out.

— Wayne H. K.

Upon finishing Superpuzzle, I have realized that among the many emotions experienced during the course of the reading, one emotion stands above the rest: hope. Fighting the battle of disillusionment with our current world, while witnessing the injustices, the robberies, and the murders by society’s “leaders” is a constant source of pain and struggle.  Yet the hope in me was revamped and amplified in my reading of Superpuzzle.  I feel reenergized and ready to create.

— Daniel C.

There must be so much psychology integrated into Superpuzzle that the emotional feelings will be felt differently and peak at different places for any reader depending on their own minds.

— Gavriel S.

Superpuzzle is very moving and emotional. Its story form helps the reader to learn the ideas presented very quickly. I can’t wait to finish it and begin rereading!

— Mike

I am not a very emotional person, but in the reading of Superpuzzle I was overcome with emotion several times.

I have come to the conclusion that this story will be the breakthrough that we have been seeking.  The writing style of Mark Hamilton is beyond my imaginings.

Ed.........the old man from the Tenn Mts.

— E. Geoffrey S.

Superpuzzle is the best tool you have to show people the possibilities behind neothink and all the advantages within this information. I can’t wait to get to the next chapter. I’m trying to read as much information as I can.  Thanks for a great story.

— Josue R.

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE.  I hold a great respect for your writing. My concentration was always focused 150% when I read your masterful work.  I cancelled my plans for last Friday and Saturday, just so I could read Superpuzzle. I finished the entire work in two days.  Superpuzzle comes to life. When I read it, I almost knew what you were going to say each chapter before I even read it.

I wish I could express my feelings right now, but I haven’t developed that writing skill yet! Thank you Mark Hamilton...I hope to meet you in the New World!

— Jason

This book is an excellent novel which integrates the outline of the future. It wonderfully inspires and evokes emotions to work toward fulfilling Superpuzzle. I found it hard to keep from reading end to end. Great work!!! Thanks.

— Dave P.

I have the child of the past within me. I enjoy Superpuzzle very much. I am still reading it. I am on Chapter Eighteen. I am beginning to feel emotional.

— Jerry B.

I’ll be able to shove Superpuzzle in the hands of girls and say, “Get back to me when you’re a woman”. It is such an emotional book.

I cried many times reading it. Only very short periods of crying. The suddenness of some of my outbursts reminded me of doing the same thing sometimes when I watch a neocheater on TV.  Mark Hamilton is quite some writer; he uses a style of writing and depiction that seems very different.

I thought whilst reading Ch33/34 Mark Hamilton was setting me up to cry on reading the end of 35. He did. Brilliant.

— Gav

Superpuzzle has moved me more than any other story I’ve read.  Sometimes you piss me off and sometimes you sadden me and at times I resent you for making me see through the pretty illusions woven by “them”. Sometimes I wish I didn’t know anything and lived in a state of blissful ignorance. But I love you.  You have probably saved my life.

— Avajo G.

My Dear Mr. Hamilton,

I haven’t finished your story yet, I’m on Chapter 18, but I am very impressed.  If I could wish one thing for the world, it would be that all the students studying to be teachers read your story.  I am so taken by what you have to say.  Your story not only touched my heart, but my brain.  Your story showed me that I am on the right path, I have a long way to go, but I will get there.  Thank you for reminding me of all the good things to come, as I continue on my journey.

— Peggy C.

Jolted Awake!  Superpuzzle is one of the most compelling pieces of literature I’ve ever read.

— Tim

Reading Superpuzzle is having some sort of effect, and I’m not sure exactly what kind, but I’ve gotten up at 3:00 a.m. to continue the reading, and even started reading it to my children.

— Charles

The joy and love I feel.  It must be the next level of emotions.

— Albert C.

Superpuzzle blew me away.

— Gary R.

Speechless. To Mark Hamilton and his Superpuzzle: All I can say is that I’m “Speechless in Seattle.” You’ve outdone yourself (again!)  Thanks so much for such a wonderful story. I can’t seem to get it out of my mind.

— Mike W.

Dear Mr. Hamilton, congratulations from France!

I like very much your Superpuzzle, and I hope it will be soon available in French.

— Nicolas R.

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

I woke up at 4am and had to get back to reading your story. I saw your e-mail address at the bottom of the chapter (has it always been there?) and I fought a battle with myself trying to decide whether to write you. I thought maybe I should first read and study all your writings I could find so that I would not seem a complete idiot...but my emotions overcame my fear. (As usual.)

I just wanted to tell you how much your story means to me. It’s been like a coming home. Like “Wow, there are actually people out there who think like I do...I’ve just never been able to put my finger on it and categorize it into a neat, simple, honest, easy to understand way of life.

Maybe now that I am starting to see things a little clearer I can begin a real life, a happy life...just tell me that there are things like described in Superpuzzle that are actually happening. I need that Hope.

— Susan C.

I love what I read so far in Superpuzzle.  It connects emotionally with the reader.

— Marcel D.

Enormous emotions.  From where I sit I think the writer has demonstrated an uncanny ability to write/express/convey with a high degree of accuracy while pushing the envelope of charting new frontiers.  Anyone can use this work to push their own envelope to greater knowledge and penetrate deeper and wider into new and existing markets.

Warmly, Steven.

— Steve

YOWZA!  I could not stop reading Superpuzzle. It is very well written and I think even young children could understand much of the content.  Thanks for your fabulous work.

— Mark C.

I had to take a break after reading Chapter Three of Superpuzzle. So many thoughts, what an experience.

— G.S.

I have just been reading Superpuzzle, which is a very powerful revelation into life.

— J.M.

The tremendous value/benefit to the reader would warrant paying well over $1000 for Superpuzzle.

— Steve

Wow! I really think you have hit the nail on the head Mark! I have only finished the first three chapters, but I am eager to read the rest. It’s getting late, and I must get up early and sell cars. I will continue reading Monday evening.

This is very eloquent. I look forward to finishing Superpuzzle!

Keep up the awesome work Mark!

— Alan

I commend your publishing of Superpuzzle as a BEAUTIFUL move that I did not expect! I’m shaking with excitement.  Let’s GET IT GOING.

If things work out the way I expect them to, I will be in a position to help with the mass exposure to these concepts, the first of which may indeed be a TV series of Superpuzzle.

— John S.

Hi Mark.  I’m reading Superpuzzle now and it’s truly amazing how these children were changed the way they were.   I really wish I would have had a teacher just like Miss Annabelle cause I’d probably have solved all my problems by now. Just reading your published work makes me more amazed by the minute. You truly are an amazing author, and I’m looking forward to reading the entire book. Thanks again for changing my life.  I can already tell things are getting better every day.  It’s totally amazing. Excellent work.

— J.K.

I’m reading Superpuzzle and am so engrossed I’ve just realized it’s 3:40 a.m.! Fantastic stuff and so logical.

— David

I just finished reading Superpuzzle. Wow! Is about all I can say for now. I’m a much changed person. Which I would never have believed could happen just by reading anything.

— Floyd

I am astonished at your masterpiece, Superpuzzle.  ...I have been held captive at my computer for the past 7 hours!  I want to thank you for your insight and elegantly articulated culmination of ideas expressed in your story.  What a beauty.  This truly is the American Beauty.  Thank you for restoring my vision...I know what my Friday Night Essence is, and I will not be taken from that path until my goal is reached.  From one value-producer to another, thank you again. “When you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you...” 

— Beth, Future Recording Engineer/

Producer/Studio Manager


Hi Mark....I just read Superpuzzle for the first time.  ...This was the best description of woman/man romantic love I’ve ever heard and I was impressed with your characters and the thought that went into this work......thanks!

— Terry K.

I often find myself thinking, how would so and so of the initial group of twelve handle this or that particular situation I am experiencing at work, at home with the kids or with my spouse. I love to transpose Superpuzzle into my daily life...

— Charles

Just finished reading your novel. I’m a little addle-brained as I just finished and it’s 2:00 in the morning. I purchased and started reading your early-release manuscript some time ago, then lost it on the way back from a construction job in Lexington Va.  I found it on the web site and was captivated by the concepts in it, confused and scared. Even though the “matrix” hasn’t snapped for me yet on many levels, I see the truth of what you are saying. This was really clarified while reading the novel, bringing forth a clearer mental picture of what you are trying to get across. I hope to be among you one day, the top of my field, enjoying life, wealthy with romantic love.  My greatest dream is to one day organize and fund research to help end the horror of disease.  Thanks, you have really lifted my spirits and given me hope during this really dark time.

— Anne

Superpuzzle was the best book I’ve ever read so far...Really! Its concepts should be taught to everyone. Young or Old. Everyone!

It made me made me think.

My understanding of Superpuzzle had changed my life...made me love life in a sense never experienced.

Thank you!

— “Generation X”

I haven’t taken time to read anything not related to my business in years. The other day, I clicked into Mark Hamilton’s web site and casually began reading Superpuzzle. While skeptical at first, knowing what a tremendous effort is required to write effective, coherent fiction...I was surprised, amazed, and finally, delighted. Mark Hamilton’s work is, I believe, the most powerful publication to date. It is mind-boggling, the mass of integrations he managed to squeeze into this attention-grabbing (and holding) drama. I hope this is just a taste of what’s to come.

— Richard


I really got caught up in Superpuzzle and at times forgot that it was fiction. Thank you for opening my eyes to a new beginning for me and for the entire world.

— Fred

I am at page 391 of Superpuzzle. Every time I begin to think, “how can this happen, with all that is against it,” Superpuzzle answers my question. Limitless...

— Dick H.

Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton, I wish I had a teacher like Miss Annabelle when I was in the 3rd grade.  I think this story about Miss Annabelle should be required reading in the schools, both religious and secular.  At 68 years, looking back over my life, I find that I never really knew what true love meant.  Many of my generation equated the physical “act” as being “in love”.  Restroom “graffiti” were often our guide to sexual pleasure.  As grown men, we did not know “what to do” in ways of pleasing our wives.  I am just a “layman” with no degrees etc., but I hope with all of my being, that society will keep on “evolving” so that there will be “happiness in the male/female relationships.”  Thanks for opening my mind to other views about life!!!! and where mankind is headed.

— Earl

Hi Mark, wow that sure was a very interesting subject for Superpuzzle.   I really wanted to read it because I was glued to the screen. Usually I don’t like to read in-depth things on the computer, but I had no trouble reading your book.  That was just amazing!!!!!!  Sure makes you think about life itself.

— A.

I think that this is an excellent work!  With it, I am turning open the spigot of riches. 

I really have found a great value in this book, and it makes it a little easier for me (and I’m sure many others) to conceptualize what is happening.  Superpuzzle hits home.  I have to thank you very much for affecting my thinking for the rest of my life.  

— David

Mark, Superpuzzle has really fired me up. Superpuzzle has changed everything. I’ve searched for, found, and am starting to implement my Friday-Night Essence. Your book really has given me the impetus.  Cheers.

— Rob E.

I have read Superpuzzle on the web site and want to inform you that even on the first reading, it has changed my life!  And yes, I am going to read it even more deeply the second time.

Superpuzzle has ignited the dream within of being able to overcome obstacles such as those experienced by Ms. Annabelle.   Your work in Superpuzzle invokes the desire to obtain invincibility through full honesty, striking down those who would destroy if given the permission.

I admire your work in Superpuzzle, and I know it is something everyone in the world needs.  Please keep Superpuzzle available!  Without it, those stuck in the rut of the anticivilization will continue to sink, never discovering and entering the elusive world of happiness and wealth.

— Kurt

Dear Mark, Superpuzzle is a wonderful story. I can identify with it because I’ve taught High School and resigned after seeing the atrocities.

Superpuzzle should be packaged as a pocket book with a beautiful cover and sold through all the bookstores in the United States. I think that this is the only thing that will insure that a new civilization will begin in the early 21st century.

Something BIG is going to happen. Superpuzzle will become a best seller.  I don’t see how it can’t.

— Gil

I had no idea where this story would lead.  I even thought it would be simple.  I can see that it is going much further than I believed, and that it is not simple.  It is simply written so that anyone can understand it, and it is a fascinating story.

— A. Writes

After many years of living the quasi–life, I am back.   Being half here and half there showed in my world.  I am back.  Changes are in the works.  Thanks for Superpuzzle.  It was a refreshing refresher!

— Spizzchiro

This story has opened my eyes to things I have missed out on as a child and as a grownup. If I had someone as remarkable as Miss Annabelle in my life, I would have been a better educated man and human being. THANK YOU.  I now see things I’ve been missing in my life.

— Dan

A great inspiration. The changes have been immense.  I find that I am currently able to do a whole lot more with my time as well as spending time developing my new business venture. It only takes Superpuzzle to make me feel young and inspired.  I believe that I am now taking control and hope to be FREE soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a dream and know what I want. 

— Roland

I just wanted to say that Superpuzzle was perhaps the cleanest, purest breath of fresh air I have ever had. I was inspired by your book. I have tried to soak up as much knowledge as I possibly can. Since reading your book I have become more positive, better rested, and my relationship with my wonderful girlfriend has improved. I am striving for the ultimate happiness and riches.  Give me time and I think I will make it. Sincerely, John.

— John

Superpuzzle is a very special and wonderful masterpiece of modern literature. It shows us how we, by choosing to cut through the matrix of illusions to see what is, can start building mental puzzles of Neothink to evolve into superachievers.  How, if we can find our Friday-Night essences and become the persons that we were meant to be, we can live in complete happiness because then we will be value creators and value producers. I thank you Mr. Hamilton because I used to be severely trapped in the matrix of illusions, I was blind.  You opened my eyes, and my heart. I am forever in your debt. I am on my way to finding my Friday-Night essence and discovering happiness by becoming a value creator. I can’t wait to see where my personal renaissance will take me.

— Norman

I discovered Superpuzzle today on the website — and have spent the entire day immersed in it.  I am now on Chapter 27, and am quite excited by what I have read!

 This sounds like the solution for which I have been searching for so transcend the limitations of the “ordinary” and become a “God-Man.”  It strikes me that, in order to present this information so clearly, you must have already attained this level yourself.  How exhilarating it must be!

 Neothink looks and “feels” like the answer for me — to not only provide wealth, but also lasting peace and happiness for myself and my family.  Warmly yours.

 — Troy H.

Thank you Mark Hamilton. The most wonderful story I have ever read.  Inspirational, almost overwhelming. This story of what your society will do for the human race must reach everyone. I can feel the genuine love that you have for each member of this human race. I know a mind could not produce such a beautiful and powerful story of what we can be, of where we can go, of where we are going, of what we will become. No words can explain my appreciation, only my actions. Every time I read your literature, which is almost daily now, I become armed with it’s power, I thirst for more, I become more. The value of my life and all human life increases, to the point that nothing else is more important than preserving and improving all human life. What a simple concept, yet impossible task in this upside down civilization. Until now. Thank you Mark Hamilton for starting the revolution that says no to death and yes to life. What a simple but wonderful concept.  I return the love and passion for life that you so consistently give.

— Stewart R.

Unbelievable.  I am exhausted and elated at the same time. It’s as though I’ve glimpsed a parallel world, like sitting on a stationary train and seeing a beautiful girl on a train parallel to mine, but on a different track.  She smiles fleetingly, her train begins to pull away from mine, and she is off to a destination unknown to me.  Her image will continue to haunt me.

I wonder whether I have the emotional strength to return to my job this afternoon.  Mr. Hamilton, you have brought upon yourself a weighty mantle of responsibility to take humanity out of a long Dark Age. The world must sense its need to evolve in the strongest possible emotional terms.  I will pass Superpuzzle along.  The task ahead of you is Herculean.  But you MUST succeed. 

— Stephen B.

I am reading the story of Miss Annabelle, and it is very interesting and also sad in some parts.  I have not finished reading it, but I plan to finish. To tell you the truth, since I went to school I have never sat down and read a book, but this one is so interesting that I cannot put it down.

— Janie R.


I am not normally much of a reader, but I find Superpuzzle hard to put down. I find it to be the most emotional thing I have ever read.

— Lindon L.

 Mark, that is the most touching story I have ever read and I wish with all of my heart that I could have had the privilege of that kind of informed explanation when I was growing up.  Love has always been such a wonderful gift for me, but I just have not had the experience of sharing with anyone the way I thought it should be.  It is never too late to learn, and I have learned so much from Superpuzzle. I have gained much power.

— D.D.

I have just finished chapter 5, and I am relishing every word. It is so beautifully executed.

— Anne

Superpuzzle captivated me and I could not stop reading. Many of my questions about life have been answered and it has opened my mind to creativity and power.

— Ralph G.

Hi, my name is Jesal, I am a 15 yr. old boy from England.  My brother introduced me to Superpuzzle, and I am hooked!  With the nine chapters that I have read, I have been able to pierce through some of the illusions that I see.   I found answers to the questions that I have been asking myself about life.

I now can look at life, and give all I have to offer, and then take what is rightfully mine.  I feel I can make a different set of values for the world!  It’s emotional stuff!!! The way of thinking that I have now, is top!  It’s like I have a way of seeing life before I go to live it!!!  It’s weird, but that’s what goes on, and it has really helped me.

I am using this story to develop my way of thinking.  When I have finished reading this story, I will be able to go out into the world and do all my stuff properly, because of what you have shown me, it is just sooo right!!!

I swear, I am gonna be a millionaire within 15 years time, thanks to you.  Peace out man, thanx for the new ways!!!

— Jesal P.

Superpuzzle is emotionally powerful and has helped me to regain my confidence. I feel empowered with the possibilities ahead of me.

— Dwain B.


I just read Superpuzzle for the zillionth time. Excellent!!! Just exactly what is needed. As I read this, the ideas of achieving my dreams just flowed.

Thank you. Thank you. And Thank you.

— Frank W.

I enjoyed reading Superpuzzle more than anything I ever read. And I bet it would bring someone great pleasure as described in Superpuzzle to be among all those benevolent people creating an extraordinarily wondrous atmosphere such as that. Perhaps it could really become an actuality within my lifetime. Hopefully, one day.

— Joe

Superpuzzle is so powerful I know my life is changing. I have affirmed that I shall live a life of total honesty with complete responsibility for self with integrity. It surely would be great if a movie was made of Superpuzzle.

— Jimmy R.

This is the best fictional story I’ve ever read. I’ve been an avid reader for about five years now, and read almost every book available. But nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to read during Superpuzzle. I’m not completely finished with the book yet, but, when I got to the end of the twenty-ninth chapter, I felt compelled to write to you and tell you how great a value this book is to humanity. Keep up the excellent work on creating a civilization that everybody will eventually prosper from.  

— Robert

I just finished reading Superpuzzle. It was excellent. It put life into the proper perspective for me. My favorite sections were the interactions between Miss Annabelle and her young students, much like the interactions between Robin Williams and his students in The Dead Poets Society, only much more meaningful. By the end of the second chapter, I had formed in my mind what Miss Annabelle would look like, including hair color, eye color, skin tone, height, body structure, everything. When we finally got a description of her, I couldn’t believe it because, except for the shade (I got the color right) of her eyes, which were darker than I imagined, I was dead on in every aspect. I was in love with Miss Annabelle, and I longed to be in her class. Her world was built on a foundation of honesty, truth, fairness, integrity, and justice. Her world is one that I would gladly embrace and fight for.

— Robert A.

I have read through Superpuzzle (MAKE IT A MOVIE, MAN!!!)  When I began reading Superpuzzle, I was trying to loose weight, but was unlucky at all the temptations out there. Well, I have now lost a total of 17 pounds since then and it has stayed off.  After reading Superpuzzle, I found out what I want to do. I really wanted to become a writer and inventor. I already have one book almost complete, two others in the making, and about six inventions on the drawing board. And add on top of that, I have begun reading books about quantum physics! A year ago, I would not even dream of touching the complexity of it, but now, I already have a hypothesis in the works. And to top off the Sundae, I am only 21 and am working full time and going to class full time. Now that is something that I am still amazed about.

— Mike G.

Mr. Hamilton:  Superpuzzle was brilliant.  If I had had a teacher like Miss Annabelle, I wouldn’t be 37 years old getting ready to get ready.  I wouldn’t be a loser!!!

I want to thank you for helping me find my “Friday-Night Essence.”  I had never even heard of such a thing, let alone find it within myself. Since reading your material, I have nearly finished two manuscripts, and I am formulating several business ventures.  I’m still working on my procrastination and my flab, but I now have a clearer vision of where my life is to go.  Thank you very, very much.  Finding my Friday-Night Essence alone was worth the price of Superpuzzle

 — Robert

Although I am still reading Superpuzzle, I find it very refreshing, and I can actually see through illusions as I continue to read the rest of the story.  I was once like those third graders, yet there were adults who didn’t give me the road map I needed, and they meant well.  But their ways closed me down for a long time.  Thank you for Superpuzzle.

 — Pamela

First I’d just like to say that in terms of influential, positive, powerful, and clearly written books, your Superpuzzle (the fictional counterpart to your nonfiction — Secrets, Visions, Powers) has only one peer in history — that being Rand’s Atlas Shrugged Superpuzzle however, is wider-scope and (although easier for the general public to digest) more profound at the deepest levels of fully integrated honesty — the level that as you rightly say “pulls the ‘child of the past’ out from its hiding place.”  Through 36 chapters, there wasn’t one that didn’t bring tears to my eyes.  In contrast, Atlas Shrugged brought tears to my eyes in only two spots.  I could go on and on about the incomparable value of creating a story of that magnitude and with that positive view of the future, but I’d better close for now.

— Chris T.

Mr. Hamilton,

After reading your novel, I wanted to take a moment to tell you how wonderful it is.  I’ve read it through and have just started again for the second time.  This is simple, fresh, and, well, awesome.

— June

First of all I have to say I have really enjoyed Superpuzzle.  I’ve found myself not wanting to put it down and found myself rushing to get back to it.   My 11-year-old son has also started reading Superpuzzle, but I would like to introduce the whole idea to my 4-year-old and 14-year-old (who doesn’t like to read unless he has to).

— Perci P.

I read Mark Hamilton’s Superpuzzle. It’s beautifully written. I was smiling one moment and choking on my tears the next — all through the novel.

— Alex A.

Wonderful novel. This is fabulous.  Finding and building one’s dream gets lost in the shuffle and scuffle. Superpuzzle is a wonderful way to point out the forest despite the trees. I feel a reawakening happening. 

— Stephen

Remarkably well written. Truly excellent. I have a M.S. and read a lot. I feel qualified to say this is a wonderfully easy-to-read, clear and insightful narrative. Yes. Wonderfully insightful. Remarkable. I do not now feel a need to finish my morning coffee. My brain has already just been pleasantly awakened.

— Steph

I am so excited about Superpuzzle, I am in a rush to gain as much information as quickly as possible, and can’t do it quickly enough. The thinking is so profound at such a deep level that I am shaken to the very core of my being. All my life I have been on a journey to discover, no indeed to create Who I Am and Who I Want To Be and to do it with integrity, honesty and with value to mankind. Though I am still in the early stages of reading, I am beginning to notice a change in my thinking and the way in which I view the world. I have this profound feeling that this work will provide the shift that I have so long been searching for. It is with profound gratitude that this work has found it’s way into my hands. Thank You, Mark Hamilton.

— Steven

I love Superpuzzle.  I just finished reading through it for the second time. I find it interesting how it seems to be a lot like a good movie seen over again.  I am inspired.

— Dwain B.

Superpuzzle MUST be published on its own in hardback and/or paperback.  Get it into the hands of the general populace, and word-of-mouth will spread like wildfire!  Everyone who reads this will want to CHERISH their own personal copy and re-read it often. It will be the treasure that changes their lives forever!

— Jim P.

Superpuzzle was the most touching and enlightening piece of work I’ve ever read.

— Darlene T.

Superpuzzle on the internet is mind blowing!!

— Andrew A.

The turning point for me came when I read Superpuzzle. After devouring that, I was so emotionally stirred and intellectually stimulated. Thank you!

— Eric

Magnificent!  I simply couldn’t stop reading, chapter by chapter, even when my eyes started to tire.  I’ll go back and read it again.  I want to say that Superpuzzle told the tale so powerfully that I was captivated beyond anything I’ve ever read before.  I loved it.  I have had many similar experiences (on a less dramatic scale).

I must admit that I was beginning to lose hope that I would ever find another human being who knew what I knew (although I have never articulated it so eloquently as Superpuzzle).  I am beyond ecstatic at this moment.  I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to meet other people who feel “just like me.”  Glorious!

Superpuzzle is great, really great.  Thank you so  much.

— Jansett

BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO.  A Job Well Done.

— Horus

When I was a teenager about 25 years ago someone once asked me “What is Love”.  At that time love was a warm feeling I felt, but I didn’t know how to explain it.  Over the years, that question would come to mind occasionally, yet I could never put that feeling into words.  Until I read this story!  W0W. 

— Kiehn

I am the 51-year-old home-school teacher of a six-year-old girl.  This is the best, most informative story for children I have ever read!  It explains my thoughts, exactly, in a way much better than I could ever have done.  You are a wonderful person.

— Kozy

The touching parts show the great strength of Mark Hamilton’s writing style.

Very heartwarming stuff. I liked many parts of Superpuzzle.  I liked Miss Annabelle’s cellmate telling about her life. The part where Hamilton describes Grassroots Charts and how it worked was pretty cool too. It was also kind of exciting when Jake was running around getting the group together. I guess those parts would be my favorites.

— Marquis de S.

Superpuzzle knocked my socks off. It seems to crystallize through simplicity and clarity the very ideals that we all look for but are too distracted or ignorant to access. Superpuzzle has definitely got my motor running. Many Thanks.

— Jake

Just got done reading Superpuzzle, so powerful. Is there any way that it will be made into a movie format? By the end of the story, I didn’t want to leave that world. Thank you for sharing the picture with me, it has changed my life forever.

— Jack D. O.


brilliant. I feel that this story should be made into a movie. In my opinion, this story is perfect.

By coincidence, I happen to be a twenty-two year old college student and would be interested in playing the part of Jake. A long shot, but worth a try.

— Tim A.

You should make Superpuzzle into a movie, it would be a sure hit, and think of all the lives it could touch and change.

— Brad C.

I just had to send you another compliment on this publication. This story is awesome. This is really something new, different, and exciting.  It really gets down to practical application.  Well, I believe that you have really done that with this story.

I have been speed reading with a vengeance for the past three evenings, and I am totally into this story!  This is great work.  Please publish this gem. I want to own a bound volume of this publication. I cannot wait to sit down with my son and read this with him.  Now, back to my reading!!

— J.G.M.

Thank you so much for Superpuzzle.  First of all, the book is outstanding. That’s actually an understatement. It’s uplifting, inspirational, educating and a very easy, captivating read. Everyone from age 9-90 should have a copy. It could simply change the world.

— David A. K.

Dear Mr. Hamilton, I read Superpuzzle and found it to be every bit as enlightening, provocative and effective as Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.  Congratulations on a well crafted story.

— Andy D.

Superpuzzle would make a good movie, even an old-fashioned radio drama.

— Mark W.


Mark, fantastic stuff.  Can’t wait until the next one, and how soon until the movie?  Steven Speilberg as director.

— Howard

Goddamn Superpuzzle is awesome! It kicks extreme ass! I’ve read through about six chapters and it’s rekindled feelings I had not felt for years... The pure radiant innocence of this is incredible! I think this could be the big crossover point that gets the Twelve-Visions concepts to the masses in a digestible form. I’m getting thoughts like “is this for real?” and “don’t worry — happiness in the Universe is inescapable.” I realize that this “civilization” is a pretext for slavery; not obvious slavery, but a slow, piecemeal, debilitating slavery where the “authorities” keep the forces of production at just enough to sustain the masses, neither completely killing the populace nor allowing full blown prosperity. Man, those people are incredible bastards.

My heart went out to Miss Annabelle and those kids. I had feelings of wanting to beat up those idiots on the school board. She and those children should have been protected at all costs. Unlike Ayn Rand, this story while retaining the same positive sense of life as that book had, if not more so, was written from a male perspective, and thus sir, you have created one of the most intensely sexually attractive characters I’ve ever seen in Miss Annabelle.

— Mike C. T.

These people in Superpuzzle DO represent what is available to us NOW! They too started off in the anticivilization, yet they started injecting their natural creativity in society.  Superpuzzle gave me hope and showed me the way things SHOULD be in society.

— Mike M.

Chapter 11, that’s where I am so far; the book is certainly attractive and sure seems to wake that sleeping child in me.

A feeling of satisfaction and passion for life passed through me. Yeah, that’s HAPPINESS!

— B.A.J.

I am enjoying reading Superpuzzle immensely; I have felt myself brought almost to tears in parts.  I think Superpuzzle will switch a lot of brains on!!

— Lee H.

I’m on chapter 24 of Superpuzzle, and I can’t stop. I have read most of your books and really like them, but this one helps me put the basics into other members of my family in an easier way.

— Ricardo L.

With the “honesty” formula as presented in Superpuzzle, the world must become a better place...without it there will be certain destruction.

— Michael M.

What is Superpuzzle all about?

Removing negatives.  In a nutshell, it’s all about love and passion with a little anxiety woven in.  It’s the first novel written from the Twelve-Visions World.

— Steven

Superpuzzle is exciting and enlightening. In fact, I have realized we have wasted the juicy part of our lives. We were just schooled into the bicameral-values and just fell to all their directions. We were cowed into submission.  Our creativity vent was entirely blocked.  This is a masterpiece. Mark Hamilton is just awesome. He is excellent.  It is liberating.

— Alexandre

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

Thank you for a wonderful story.

What a society it would be where doing nothing actually improves my ability to do a task!

Thank you again for a beautiful vision of the future.

— Bob S.

Many thanks to the author of Superpuzzle Superpuzzle is like a map, and you can follow that map to the future.

— Perry

I wish I could leave where I am and go to this kind of community that has this kind of teaching, I would do it.

— Aurie

A breakthrough — the inner child. The past few days I have been reading Superpuzzle in what little spare time I have. Ummm...everything is starting to click together now. The inner-child thing really got me.  I have rediscovered my inner child and brought back that ability to think creatively to put the pieces together. It would be an absolute travesty if I ever let that ability fade in my daughter. As I make other breakthroughs, it will help me keep those alive in her as well.

I have taken small steps; this is my first leap. Cheers to many more to come!

— Lynn

Dear Mark,

Happiness is here to stay and your story made me feel so Great.  Thanks.

— Mr. Keyman

Mark Hamilton’s most recent endeavor comes across to this reader as most evidently a real labor of love.  It is heart warming.

— John Mac

After reading Superpuzzle several times, I realized that I was never going to be the same person again.  I was so overwhelmed by its content that I ordered a further three copies to give to friends.  I feel that Superpuzzle has encapsulated the essence of life in such a way that I no longer feel alone, after having cast aside the indoctrinated beliefs of my past.

— Stephen W.

Hello Mr. Hamilton; I feel a little strange knowing that I’m actually addressing you; someone I’ve, up ’till now, have only read and read about.  Great story!

— Jason M.

Superpuzzle. Completely understood. I love it.  Thank You again Mark Hamilton, it looks as though the light at the end of the tunnel is very near.

— Rick G.

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

Superpuzzle is, in a word, “brilliant”.

— A.L.

Awesome.  I find myself laughing and cheering out loud.  This story is a powerful tool I can use to influence family & friends, THANK YOU! My brothers and I have been following your business model and will be replicating it across the country perhaps as soon as next year.

— Michael S.

Superpuzzle really makes sense. It was written on my level so that I have a better understanding. Mark you’ve done an outstanding job. Keep up the GREAT WORK YOU’RE DOING.

— Paul G. L.

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

I am currently on Chapter Twelve and can’t seem to get enough of Superpuzzle.  During Chapter Eleven, Jake and Jessie talk about Daniel Ward (the Presidential candidate).  My question is, do we have such a candidate?  Is it possible that You are that person?  If not, who is?  I’d like to give my support in any way possible!

Thank you for enlightening me and helping me turn my life around for the better!  I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart!

Sincerely yours.

— John J.


Mr. Hamilton, I think Superpuzzle teaches the essence of happiness in a neat way. Congratulations!

— Ramon

What I like about Superpuzzle was the people’s heart and the love they had. I can’t wait until we see this. I would love to see more stories like this from Mark.

— Paul

I’m reading Superpuzzle.  I’m fascinated! It seems I’ve been searching for this all my life. I want to be involved in any way I can.

— Floyd

Wow, I’m just starting Chapter Four. I’ve definitely gained a ton of value already from the three previous chapters. Great job.

— Brian G.

A very solid story about happiness and true dreams, not those dreams that are cookie cutter capitalist crap.

— Jason B.

I think this is a tremendous insight. This story is very simple and straight forward. We often forget about what makes us truly happy. We get so wrapped up as adults into our day to day living that we miss the true reason for living.

I am glad I read this story today. Now I hope I can put it back into practice.

— Mark F.

This will really open eyes.  I was in a chat group and someone told me to get a copy of Superpuzzle. I’m so happy I did, I have been struggling with issues like this my whole life. It really opened my eyes.

— Laurel

I just finished reading Superpuzzle, and I realized one thing — there will be no limit for the advancements of the supersociety; life will be a never ending story that gets better and better.  There’s a very interesting point in Superpuzzle when Jake reflects about the biggest problem that prevented people from discovering Nature’s Quintessential Secret, and finds out that the change of mentality started with an emotional change, which then triggered the people’s motivation. It simply comes down to that…a matter of having the positive emotions to start one’s motivational drive in order to make a start in creating values.  After that one critical starting point, one will never stop integrating and creating values.  Superpuzzle triggers the reader’s motivation!

— M.M.

I liked Superpuzzle very much. At times it brought tears of joy and excitement like I had not felt in years.

— Miranda

Superpuzzle should be in every grade-school classroom and library.

— Mary

Mark, your story is amazing and I’m only on the third chapter.  Very inspiring. You really inspired me to continue the fight.

— Iva M.


I find its concepts mind-opening and fascinating. I am keen to embrace many of the concepts and in particular those of educating my young children (4 and 1) in the methods of integrated-honesty thinking as brilliantly portrayed in Superpuzzle.  Many thanks.

— Mark F.

I will recommend Superpuzzle to my friends as it has touched a deep emotional chord with me and so it will with others.

— Dwain B.

I really liked Superpuzzle. There should have been more teachers like Ms. Annabelle while I was growing up.  Thanks for setting me on to something that makes sense in this weird, confusing world.

— John H.

Having read Superpuzzle and digested its message, I have come to a greater understanding of what has been an obsession of mine since birth, that is the meaning of our existence and the purpose for which we serve in the Universe. I am only 21 years old, but I feel like I have aged a lifetime with the new ideas and methods of perception that have been hinted at and portrayed.

— James T.

Wow, I thought we had lost Superpuzzle from the web site.  What mega values come with this story.  Maybe missing it from the web site for a few days makes for more appreciation of these values when they are returned. Thanks Mark.

— Andy P.

Hi! My name is Crystal, I have read Superpuzzle and I think you truly have a gift for bringing about an awareness through narrative means. I’m a Canadian, 22-year-old studying Psychology and Biotechnology at the University of Saskatchewan.  For years I have been confused about religion and why there are so many different perspectives. I felt lost.  But after reading your story, I have begun to grasp the concept of the irrational forces at work in the world.  I want to uncloud others like you have, but I don’t know how.

Take care, Yours honestly, Crystal.

— Crystal W.

I must say Superpuzzle amazes me. As closed-minded as some people are today about letting go of old beliefs that no longer serve them, can you imagine what a challenge it was for Miss Annabelle at that time?  If all people had her courage, love of life, and the determination to live the truth, just imagine how wonderful the world would be.  I applaud Miss Annabelle for her courage, integrity, honesty, and most of all, her love.

— Kathy

Mr. Hamilton: I believe you’re conveying a very special and important message through your writings. I hope that you will always continue, even in the face of criticism from skeptics and those who would benefit from society’s mindset.

— Terrance

Superpuzzle has helped me answer certain questions. I like to call it survival of the truly honest.

— Ramon C.


Superpuzzle clearly explains and demonstrates value-producing ideas.  BEAUTIFUL!!!  I would be honored to contribute funds for a movie.

— Danny T.

I am busy reading Superpuzzle and find that it helps me to live with a happy frame of mind, knowing that so much of what goes on in the world is merely an illusion created by government and media.

— John M.

You are a fine writer, very good.

— Tod S.


Hello Mark, Superpuzzle was fabulous; it should be read by everyone. 

— Lance

The beautiful values created by all of the positive characters! At the same time the outrage I felt for the abhorrent behavior of those who destroyed values. The contrast took me on an emotional roller coaster ride.

The producers/creators created a kind of snowball effect of the values created.  The determination to do the right thing by these characters is enlightening, based on the scope of values generated.  All the different levels of actions from small to big, such as Belle giving hugs to those she loved all the way to Sally’s achievements, was impressive.

The artists seem to be coming out and creating values for the public to get with the program.  I believe it was Ayn Rand who said she had fled Communist Russia when she saw the artists bow down to that regime.  Today the artists are singing a different tune and the world is getting better every day.  May you achieve the happiness that you have worked for. Kind Regards, Leon

— Leon K.

Superpuzzle blows apart illusions.

— Lee H.


Superpuzzle instills a hard-driving determination towards a better, happier place for all.

— L. K.

Superpuzzle inspired me to someday have a dream house like Rico’s.  It also showed so much love for kids and family, it was touching. I really liked the reunion. It was wonderful that the twelve students finally got together. Made me teary eyed.

— Patrick

My favorite part of Superpuzzle, I think it’s when Hammerschmidt, or whatever his name was, decides to take on Melbourne during his insane attempt to rape Annabelle. The crazy buffoon makes like a bull and charges with his head down to try to take out Melbourne, but only succeeds in killing himself. Poetic Justice.

— Ed

Dear Mr. Hamilton, I love your characters in Superpuzzle.  Miss Annabelle is wonderful and so are her 12 children. Many have asked you to make this into a movie?  Please let me know.

— Laurie B.


I would like to see Superpuzzle made into a movie or even a mini-series followed by a weekly TV show.

— R. Michael

I have no skills in the movie-making process, but I would happily be an investor to the right producing company endorsed by Mark. Someone email me if this comes about so I can contribute my capital to this venture. One of hundreds…maybe thousands.

— L. Proit

Hi Mark; absolutely brilliant, when can we expect to see the film?  Every success to you.

— Andy

I am still interested in the investment of $$$, and more valuable, time for a project of bringing Superpuzzle to a worldwide marketable movie. I am sincere and passionate.  Please join me in promoting this as a worldwide HIT in the cinematic spectrum.  Again, thanks Mr. Hamilton for your epiphany. My honestly warm regards.

— Killairne

Just a thought on the movie version: Michelle Pfeiffer as Miss Annabelle, Louis Gossett Jr. as the janitor, Oprah Winfrey as the janitor’s wife (she’ll slim down for the part), Matthew Broderick as the college student (he can still pass for one), Kevin Spacey as the pip squeak guidance counselor, cameos Howard Stern as the abusive husband (flashback scene) seriously, he could play an evil version of himself.

Maybe instead of a movie, it could become a TV serial, like how they converted Stephen King’s Golden Years into one hour-a-week episodes.

With the flashbacks and the time span dealt with in Superpuzzle, it reminds me of the story of Reuben Hurricane Carter. That movie is a must see.

— A Fan

I really enjoyed the story and have spent the past two days reading it.  What a beautiful world.  I think it would make a great movie.

— A.A.

Superpuzzle could be a great movie.

I think that I’d be delighted if a film was made from Mr. Hamilton’s book. I think, too, that I’m not the only one who thinks so.

— Nicolas


You have hit on a good idea with Superpuzzle. I am through Chapter 12, I hope that you are planning on publishing this. I would like to be able to savor this as well as read it with my 16-year-old son. It is a great read that embodies your philosophy in a manner that can be understood by many.

— J. M.

I thoroughly enjoyed Superpuzzle about Miss Annabelle.  I applaud you.

— Delores S.

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I just read Superpuzzle. I am amazed.

— Lazarus L.

You know, after reading Superpuzzle, the more I see what is going on.

— Mike C.

Superpuzzle: I see ways of honestly dealing with the dishonest people, and some good ideas on how to help educate my own children.  A little simpler than it seems sometimes.

— Willy

I was amazed at how so many of the things that Miss Annabelle was teaching the students were already integral to my thinking, but I’d never felt they would be welcomed by others.

— Darna  M.


I Loved Superpuzzle; it has wonderful insight into our future.

— Sandi S.

Superpuzzle is Brilliant!!  I have been reading your books for ten years but Superpuzzle makes it all clear.

— Bill P.


I enjoy the spiritually uplifting qualities of Superpuzzle.

— David Wayne C.

I’m in the process of reading Superpuzzle, and I feel everyone who reads it can benefit from it.

— Gloria M.


I am impressed by the content of Superpuzzle.  I’m finding it inspirational.

— Jim B.

Superpuzzle is worth reading, Mark Hamilton proves to be a good storyteller. He makes good use of his ideas in his story. Only wish I had the book instead of having to read it off my computer screen.

— Ed

Thank you so much for making Superpuzzle available on the Internet.  I did have good teachers, but none like Miss Annabelle.  I’m now 79 years old.

— Joy


I’ve just completed the second chapter of Superpuzzle, superb!

— C. E.


Mark — I thoroughly enjoyed Chapter One of Superpuzzle and look forward to reading the rest. Is it best to order from Borders?  I love kids and I self-publish books for kids.  Your subject matter was of special interest. 

— Sue L.

 I ENJOYED SUPERPUZZLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

— Herb C.


Superpuzzle is very well written and quite insightful.

— Vince G.

I like reading Superpuzzle as it helps to put the puzzle together. You have shown the way!

— Craig D.

Brilliant story.

— Red

I note the polite tact and extreme good manners of the main character. Too many people forget this sort of outward behavior. It can be very effective in dealing with those of poor character—a sort of political guerrilla people-handling tool.

— Steve R.

You should make Superpuzzle into a movie.

— A.P.

I love your story.  I always knew reality was the key.  Thanks for your great story.

— Julia R.

Did you like the New Civilization as described in Superpuzzle?  Did you like that new life?  Would you like for Superpuzzle to become real in this life?  Would you like to experience happiness as described in Superpuzzle?  Would you like to have more friends that understand Superpuzzle the way you do? Solution: Introduce more and more people you know to Superpuzzle.  Get them Superpuzzle.  Results will come. Superpuzzle is understood by people.  Introduce Superpuzzle.  It will work.  I know.

— Jenny

Superpuzzle seems to reflect some very misunderstood notions regarding everyday life as we live it.  The understanding of these differences could lead many to a new existence in their life.  Very interesting and powerful!

— R. K.

I discovered Superpuzzle by Mark Hamilton.  The story helped me into a better society.

— M. H.

I’m in the process of reading Superpuzzle, and I feel everyone who reads it can benefit from it.

— G. M.

I am in the middle of Superpuzzle right now, and I am thinking, this is what I have been searching for.  I have explored almost everything else.

— C. W.

Superpuzzle is the best mind-opening experience.  I thank you for all the valuable information.

— J. S.

Superpuzzle is needed by so many wonderful people.  Read Superpuzzle, you will love it!

— R. J.

Superpuzzle is a sweet story and is reminiscent of realities we humans have suffered far too long with.

— M. D.

Superpuzzle motivates me to think more responsibly about the Child within me.  I find it invigorating.  It was a warm reception of “childhood”. ...Imagine what could be accomplished if we stopped beating our kids and started treating our kids as the special people they will soon become.

— P.

Somebody at work told me about this web site and told me to read Superpuzzle.  What interested me at first was the concepts the teacher used to teach her children.  I have a two-year old, and I want to help him.  I purchased Superpuzzle and have found my calling.

— B. E.

I am now reading Superpuzzle...NOTHING LIKE IT!!!!!!!

— R. L.

Superpuzzle is really making sense.  It was written on my level so that I can have a better understanding.  Mark, you’ve done an outstanding job.

— P. L.

I have just been reading Superpuzzle which is a very powerful revelation into life.

— J. M.

Superpuzzle is brilliant.  It has made life much more clear to me.

— B. P.

I’ve just read Superpuzzle and I’ve enjoyed it very much.  Nevertheless, I wish it were available in a book instead of on line, so that it could be bought and offered to friends.  Thanks very much for your integrated masterpiece.

— N. R.

Wow, Superpuzzle is it; where are these teachers?  This ranks right up there with The Fountainhead and Anthem.  I am honored to be reading it.  Thank you.

— J. B.

Superpuzzle on the internet is mind-blowing!!

— A. A.

Two days ago I found Superpuzzle and have not been able to put it down.  I only stopped today to send a note of thanks.  Thank you for allowing me to see that my feelings were not wrong, as you have provided proof to the questions I have had all my 40 years.

— S. F.

After reading Superpuzzle, I was emotionally moved beyond words.  If only all teachers could be like Miss Annabelle — what a world it would be.

— A. Z.

The story of Miss Annabelle had me glued to every word and made me cry.

— L. A.

Superpuzzle is so powerful I know my life is changing.  I have affirmed that I shall live a life of total honesty with complete responsibility for self with integrity.  It surely would be great if a movie was made of Superpuzzle.

— J. R.

Nothing has ever inspired me like this writing.

— P. J.

I’m reading Superpuzzle about Miss Annabelle’s children.  I’m fascinated!  It seems I’ve been searching for this all my life.

— F. E.

This is one of the Greatest Books I have ever read; it’s hard to put it down.

— C. P.

I find Superpuzzle very exciting and positive reading; only time stops me at the end of a chapter from finishing the entire book straight away.

— R. B.

I absolutely love Superpuzzle.  Truer words have never been spoken.  I have challenged the school systems myself because of insecurities and power and control issues of principals, teachers, and, yes, guidance counselors.  I have always known that the most valuable was the encouragement of children and to expand the minds of these little people who, without the blockers and blinders on, can make leaps and bounds in our future society.  Thank you!  You made my heart and soul soar like I was on the wings of an eagle!!!!

— D. S.

Mr. Hamilton, I am amazed by your work.  It has opened my eyes and changed my life in so many ways.  I am 17 years old and you have given me something to live for when before there was nothing.  Thank you for your inspiration.

— T. W.

I found Superpuzzle very interesting to read, and you are really offering the “world” to people.

— E. R.

Thank you for your gift to mankind with your powerful and enlightening writing style in Superpuzzle.  You are very intelligent and you write books better than Stephen King!

— Gerald M.

I love Superpuzzle: it is the most amazing, inspiring, and motivating piece of art I have ever encountered.  It made me laugh, it made me cry, and it gave me a whole new perspective on life.   I am a completely different person since I read Superpuzzle and I just want to say “thank you”.

— B. J.

Hello.  I just felt the strong need to write to you and tell you what an absolutely WONDERFUL experience I am having reading Superpuzzle!  I must say it is the best reading that I have had the privilege to experience in a very long time.  I am not even half way through it, but I became so excited that I HAD to write!  I was sent this story from a man whom I love and respect deeply and very much, and he will never know how grateful I am that he was gracious enough to share this with me.  He said that it moved him to tears several times. (That’s when you KNOW it is good stuff!) I have to say that for me it is wonderful and frustrating at the same time, and I am sure I am going to experience a lot more of these feelings as I continue to read on. I just wanted to say Thank You, in advance, for such an absolutely fascinating and awesome story!  It’s the best! 

— Cathy

Reading Superpuzzle last night and thinking it over, it reminds me of a delicate glass figurine arrested in a poise of clear-cut beauty and integrity.

When I think of it, it evokes a feeling of admiration and pleasure in me (and don’t let Burke break it!)

Superpuzzle is an abstraction of basic life principles written in a simple language with a rhythm that has an immediate emotional effect on the reader summed up in a few sentences: This is good.  This is right.  I like it.  This is how children must be treated.  They must be drawn by beauty and example and directed to a purposeful life of value creation and happiness.

— E. F.

I have never been more excited than after reading Superpuzzle.  I have my wife and sons reading it now.  I introduced it to my mother who is introducing it to several of her friends and so on.  I can now, for the first time, see.

— Phil